Saturday, June 19, 2021


Today is Jun 19th (Juneteenth), 2021. President Biden has just signed legislation making today a new Federal Holiday. It's kind of strange that we're celebrating a day that a couple of black slaves were told that they weren't slaves anymore because President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation 2 years  (or was it months?) earlier. We're essentially celebrating the fact that some black slaves didn't know they were free until today, even though they were (technically) freed.

Anyway, why am I writing here? Well, for the past few months Mabel and I have been having major problems with getting wifi signal in the bedroom. The wifi router is the same old Apple Time Capsule that I've had since about 2007 or 2008. I mean, it might even be older, but I'm pretty sure it's at least that old. And for a piece of technology to last over a decade makes it pretty much a dinosaur. It serves up 802.11G (both 2.4 and 5ghz), but it can no longer backup my iMac (2019). The signal is also pretty damn slow, even when you're sitting right next to it... so I started looking into upgrading the wifi router to something newer. I did a quick assessment of the current crop of wifi routers, and 802.11AX, or wifi 6 is what's hot right now. So I skipped over 802.11AC (wifi 5?) and bought a $450 mesh wifi router set off Amazon. It should be here this week. 

So in looking at the wifi router, I realized its sitting on the old HP Microserver. I then was looking at how do I even connect to the microserver to see if it has a software update or anything, and found this blog that shows that I bought it way back in 2013! So its going on 8 years old, and I don't even know how to fully use it, and that kind of scares me. I don't know if there is any software updates or support still for Napp-It / OpenIndiana... But I guess what I'm thinking is, its coming up soon on the time to retire.

I used to have an OWC (other world computing) dual-bay hard-drive. It works still, but and the drives I believe are fine, but it only connects over USB2 or Thunderbolt 1 port. Both of those are slow compared to USB3 or thunderbolt 3, and I don't even connect it any more. I also have two loose USB-2 hard drives that I don't access anything on any more... and the micro server is just holding old movies and tv shows that I don't watch (but imagine that one day I might).

I guess what I'm thinking is that I don't have any backup solution right now for the iMac, and I'm worried about how well I can access a NAS in the future. 

So I should really start looking into a commercial NAS that will handle backups and storage and just migrate over to it. Sometime in the next year or two I think. Or else I should change the OS on the micro server to something more user-friendly than UNIX. 

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